Will someone please think of the children? The challenges of thinking through diverse contemporary childhoods in Latin America
The International Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 established an international framework of action for different countries regarding the creation of various national systems of child protection. Furthermore, the discourse of children’s rights has taken a central position in terms of research and intervention concerning childhood worldwide. In Latin America, the gradual […]
Human (In)mobilities in South America. Critical approaches and methodological debates
Migratory movements in Latin America have undergone significant changes in recent years. The conditions under which displacement takes place, as well as greater restrictions on entry, political discourses against migration and the growth of xenophobia, shapes and often hinder the mobility of people and the crossing of borders, jeopardizing processes of social inclusion and cohesion. […]
Managing the undesirables: Rethinking carceral and border work
While borders protect us from the potential danger of unwanted foreigners, carceral spaces offer the utopia of pacifying our society by constructing dystopias of confinement for its internal enemies. But who are these undesirables? Border landscapes and carceral spaces not only mark them in their unsettling otherness, but also classify them, produce knowledge about them, […]
Democracy and the problem of public authority
French philosopher Claude Lefort famously argued that in a democracy political authority flows no longer from the king or the leader but from an ‘empty place’ – the will of the people, an abstraction that can never permanently, or perfectly, be filled and represented. Herein lies the greatest dynamism and a great weakness of democracy: […]
Gender and Memory: Archives, Materialities and Affects
In this workshop we will question the idea of archive, inquiring how memory is inscribed in different gendered materialities. Students will have the opportunity to approach the concepts of testimonial archives and memory inscription and to appreciate how these concepts are unfolded in concrete examples and through their personal experience. The individual and collective practical work […]
Gendering climate change: Embracing a Feminist Political Ecology Approach
The manifestation and everyday impacts of climate change and global environmental change, raise important questions about knowledge and power, adequate technologies for adaptation and mitigation, the best pathways for sociotechnical transitions, and the moral and ethical implications of these. Approaches to address differential impacts and vulnerabilities of diverse populations and ecosystems around the globe need […]
Supply Chain Capitalism: Transformations of Rural Landscapes in Latin America
Latin American societies and economies have historically been organized around resource extraction. Under current-day capitalist relations of exploitation, Latin American landscapes are marked by the export of primary goods abroad. Beginning with colonialism and through various iterations of land-grabbing, accumulation by dispossession, and agricultural intensification, land ownership and agricultural means of production have been concentrated […]
Juan Carlos Cayo
Board member of the Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos INDH Aymara lawyer from the University of Tarapacá, Master in Constitutional Law and PhD candidate in Law at the University of Seville. Currently works in the Calama Municipaly in the Antofagasta Region. Dedicated to the defense of the human rights of indigenous peoples in the north […]
Miriam Gay-Antaki
Assistant Professor Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, The University of New Mexico Miriam Gay-Antaki’s work focuses on human-environment relations in the era of anthropogenic global climate change. She draws from the frameworks of political ecology and feminist geography to trace climate change policy development as a series of networked connections ranging from formal political […]
Maria Christina Fragkou
![María Cristina Fragku](https://www.lasisummerschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/MariaCristinaFragku.jpg)
Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Chile Maria Christina Fragkou works on socio-environmental issues from a critical point of view and from the perspective of political ecology, ecological economics and environmental geography. Her research focuses on the physical-political processes that contribute to the construction of scarcity in rural and urban […]