Migratory movements in Latin America have undergone significant changes in recent years. The conditions under which displacement takes place, as well as greater restrictions on entry, political discourses against migration and the growth of xenophobia, shapes and often hinder the mobility of people and the crossing of borders, jeopardizing processes of social inclusion and cohesion.

In this workshop we seek to analyze some pressing issues  associated with the tension between migration control and human mobility in Latin America. In the face of increased migratory control, the strength and urgency of the actors to continue moving ends up transforming and problematizing the distinction between regular and irregular, legal and illegal, worthy and unworthy. From this perspective, in the first part, we will address the deployment of migration routes and corridors, human trafficking and the use of new technologies for migration control. In the second part, we will analyze the relationship between these dynamics of control and mobility in the development of care in transnationalized family contexts.

Finally, the third section will be oriented to discuss some of the main methodological and ethical challenges of research in contemporary migration contexts.

Application form: https://forms.gle/J8K7NGBviXdaXsdq8